Sunday, April 15, 2012

I believe in rainy days
meant to be taken them
slowly to enjoy each
flavor, each drop,
each passing cloud.

I believe in rainy days
and power naps
drifting away while
reading and reading
that single line over and over.

I believe in rainy days
and shiny boots
contrasting and adding
color and personality
to a dull weather day.

I believe in rainy days
but only if books are involved
because let's be honest
what's a rainy day without
the power of a great read?

I believe in rainy days
and Jane Austen & John Green
while the world slows down
outside, your inside world
gets lost in the pages of a book.


  1. I love the repetition of the line, "I believe in rainy days." While the world slows down outside, your inside world gets lost in the pages of a book. Beautiful!

  2. Yes, there's nothing like a rainy day,
    the window open, the sound and the swish,
    while you read or daydream -
    the drops hitting the roof,
    tapping you sweetly into sleep...
