Saturday, April 21, 2012

Long lasting friendships
long distance friendships
you know...
the ones that doesn't
happen frequent enough
as you would like or hope so
but when they happen
the world holds still
to frame that moment.

It is in that precise moment
that you're reminded of why
you've crossed paths
or why you've chosen to be
in each other's life
and you understand why
the world holds still
to frame that moment.

Long lasting friendships
long distance friendships
you know...
the ones that fill up the
space with words such as
"remember when..."
the ones that make
the world holds still
to frame that moment.

I believe in those
I do.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I believe in rainy days
meant to be taken them
slowly to enjoy each
flavor, each drop,
each passing cloud.

I believe in rainy days
and power naps
drifting away while
reading and reading
that single line over and over.

I believe in rainy days
and shiny boots
contrasting and adding
color and personality
to a dull weather day.

I believe in rainy days
but only if books are involved
because let's be honest
what's a rainy day without
the power of a great read?

I believe in rainy days
and Jane Austen & John Green
while the world slows down
outside, your inside world
gets lost in the pages of a book.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

The first of many "I believe...."

A little history, a little bit of the "behind the scene" story always help to understand how a blog got started...what was the inspiration behind it? How did it all come about? Well consider the born of this blog a mix tape of oldies but goodies. Nothing fancy or extraordinary but rather a collection of words, statements, thoughts about all the little things that make up LIFE. Or you can think of it as a mathematical equation...the sums of all parts that make up the world that we live in. 

I love words...all kinds of words...
small, insignificant, fancy, and twisted...
I love writing and I love the sound of a good message
and how it resonates in my mind 
and lingers like a lazy Sunday morning. 

I love the sound of a poem 
being quietly read or loudly recited. 
I love writing to clear my mind
and how decluttering helps me see
helps me BELIEVE....

here are my endless believe...
one day at a time
one blog at a time.
a way for a writer to release
all the words I possess inside. 

Hope you enjoy...