Sunday, April 8, 2012

The first of many "I believe...."

A little history, a little bit of the "behind the scene" story always help to understand how a blog got started...what was the inspiration behind it? How did it all come about? Well consider the born of this blog a mix tape of oldies but goodies. Nothing fancy or extraordinary but rather a collection of words, statements, thoughts about all the little things that make up LIFE. Or you can think of it as a mathematical equation...the sums of all parts that make up the world that we live in. 

I love words...all kinds of words...
small, insignificant, fancy, and twisted...
I love writing and I love the sound of a good message
and how it resonates in my mind 
and lingers like a lazy Sunday morning. 

I love the sound of a poem 
being quietly read or loudly recited. 
I love writing to clear my mind
and how decluttering helps me see
helps me BELIEVE....

here are my endless believe...
one day at a time
one blog at a time.
a way for a writer to release
all the words I possess inside. 

Hope you enjoy...

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